I don’t have a lot of time to write this week, but it was such a good week and it flew by compared to the first 10 days! I love it here, but I have to laugh because sometimes sitting in class all day with 10 elder feels like I’m sitting in a class full of 7th graders. A few days ago, some of the elders were tossing a duct tape ball back and forth whenever our teacher wasn’t looking. Also I forgot to talk about my teacher last time. We have two teachers that are also our investigators. Hermano Osorio and Hermano Trejo. They’re both in their early twenties and are from Mexico, they’re super great!
On Tuesday night we were able to hear a live devotional from the Provo MTC! Elder D. Todd Christofferson was the speaker and it was amazing. I didn’t even come close to falling asleep this time!
So another reason I feel like I’m in junior high.. on Tuesday, the day before my birthday, I found this chocolate egg sitting on my desk and had no idea who it was from. It had this little toy inside of it and it was totally weird. I thought maybe it was one of the sister training leaders in our zone, but totally wasn’t. Well yesterday.. I found out that it was some random elder from another district and all the elders in my district told me not to worry about anything because they were talking care of it. They seriously all feel like protective brothers. Funny enough the mystery elder/secret admirer’s name is Elder Paul. I have yet to see him, but I just thought I’d let you know that creepy things happen here..
My birthday was amazing! It definitely just felt like another day, but so many fun things happened and I loved every second of it. Thank you to everyone who emailed me and sent me birthday wishes! I love you all! I was spoiled with three packages.. a tier of Krispy Kreme donuts, a chocolate cake, and tons of candy. Our entire district suffered from sugar comas that´s for sure. Also, the sister training leaders organized a game of indoor soccer with a bunch of hermanas and I had so much fun! I didn’t really realize how much I miss playing until I got here and all I see are elders playing soccer everyday, and I just have to sit back and cry because I can’t play, haha! It was too much fun and I really hope that the hermanas can play again sometime before I leave the CCM.
Okay last funny moment, at dinner the other night one of our elders, Elder B (he is like the district clown.. so funny, and he’s shorter than me by like a half inch) found a hair in his food, and the way he handled it was just the best. He was all, "I found it! I found the hair! What do I get.. where’s my prize!" I was mid chewing a bite of a bean burrito and I was laughing so hard for so long that I couldn’t swallow my bite once I stopped laughing. Every time I attempted to swallow I just gagged and it probably took me a solid 10 minutes with about a gag/minute to swallow my bite of burrito without throwing up!
Really quickly, something that I loved from the devotional on Tuesday night was a quote from David O. McKay, "It is greater to be trusted, than to be loved." Another thing Elder Christofferson said was, "Yes, He loves you, but can He trust you?" I love this because Heavenly Father loves every single one of his children unconditionally, but just because he loves us doesn’t mean he can trust as. That is up to us. He’ll never stop loving us, but we have to earn his trust. As missionaries we have to work our hardest, be obedient, and do everything we can to earn his trust. I for one want to be someone that He can trust any time, any where, with anything! So I’m trying my best every single day to earn His trust.. because as great as it is to be loved, how great is it to be trusted?
I love you all and hope you all had an amazing week! Thank you so much for your support and love.. as Elder Braswell would say, "Shout out to you!"
Hermana Sessions
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