Monday, November 28, 2016

Venid Adoremos


In all honesty this week went by super fast! I really don't have a clue what to write to you all. It flew by! Unfortunately I didn't get any turkey on Thanksgiving.. only the infamous chicken with bones and potatoes, and bread.. always. BUT this week was pretty special.

We had a super spiritual family home evening with the other hermanas and some members in our ward. We told the story of thanksgiving and shared a few scriptures and spiritual thoughts about gratitude and then had a little testimony meeting of sorts.. I definitely cried a little bit hearing the powerful testimonies of the members and the hermanas I have the privilege of serving with. The spirit was just so strong and I felt nothing but love for the people here and for the opportunity I have to serve the Lord in this beautiful place!

On Tuesday we were knocking doors, not really sure what we were going to share if someone actually opened up, but we found a man named Andres. He was super nice and offered to let us in, but didn't have anyone else there with him so we couldn't go in. He spoke English pretty well so it was fun to chat with him and we asked him if we could sing for him. We had been practicing Christmas hymns so we sang 'Venid Adoremos' and messed up a few times and kind laughed it off. Afterwards he thanked us, and said that he got chills as we sang. He sang a little bit for us and had a really good voice so then we were a little bit embarrassed, but he really was so thankful. He said that sometimes he feels a little alone and forgotten, but we reminded him that he hasn't been forgotten and helped him to feel of God's love. It was such an amazing experience and we were only a little sad that he actually lives in Santaigo, haha. 

We had a super funny choir practice with the elders in our zone because we are working on learning four Christmas hymns to sing with the stake choir at a devotional and the mall and one other place I can't think of at the moment. It was really funny though.. the tenors struggled so hard to sing their part instead of the melody an octave lower, haha!

We're also going to do a caroling activity as a district and we are going to take a ferry to an island to sing some Christmas hymns over there and hopefully make some contacts as well! We're super excited and it should be tons of fun!! 

I think that's really all I have to share this week. I hope that I have a lot more to talk about in the coming weeks with the Christmas season approaching! There's just something about Christmas time that's so special! It's weird to be here where the seasons are flopped and we are approaching summer.. I'm dreaming of a white Christmas, but my dreams just aren't reality because it's been upwards of 80 degrees lately, haha! Anyway, I hope that you all have fun preparing for Christmas and I hope you enjoy the snow as well. Try to keep in mind the reason we celebrate Christmas, and what it really means.. that we have a loving Savior who was born to save us all. He is the light and He truly does illuminate the world! I am so grateful for the opportunity that I have to share that message with the people here! It is way to special.

Love you all so much! Take care of yourselves!

con mucho amor,

Hermana Sessions

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