Well hello there! To be completely honest.. I really can't remember what happened this week, but if I had to take a guess I'd say that Hermana Roney and I were probably baking brownies. We have been presenting a plan to read the Book of Mormon this year in relation to President Monson’s conference talk to all of the members in the ward and we have been making brownies to encourage them to read every day.
We had intercambios with the Hermana Lideres after another zone conference on Thursday. President and Hermana Isom went to their MTC training in Utah that they missed out on when they got called to serve here because of President Obeso's health. I was with Hermana Ruiz in their sector and it was super weird to work with her for the last time on the mission. I really can’t believe that she only has a week and a half left. It’s really, really weird to think back to my training and realize that I’m so old in the mission now. I don’t like it at all. My “mom” is just gonna take off to Canada next week and leave me here all alone.. it's cool. In all honesty I got pretty teary-eyed the large majority of our day together.
We have had some really spiritual lessons with the members this week and it has really been great to get to know them all a little bit better. I had to speak in sacrament meeting on Sunday and it was más o menos, no más.. but really. I was praying that the whole “third time’s the charm” thing would hold true for my third church talk, but I really don’t think it was out of the ordinary. But hey I got by.. and like it's over with.. and I spoke some bad Spanish and the members still tried to console me by saying it was good.
We thought that our investigator A was hiding from us and we’re still not 100% positive that she’s not, but her friend V told us that she’s doing well. I guess more than anything it’s her dad that has got her a little bit uneasy with things. He’s really Catholic and told her that she can’t be baptized twice. I really think that A knows the truth and knows that she does need to be baptized by the proper authority, but she’s also really timid and I don’t think she’s willing to make a decision against her parents’ will. We haven't seen her in quite a while, but I'm hoping this week we'll be able to meet up with her.
It has been really hard to find any of our investigators in in their houses and we have been focusing a lot on the ward lately, so even though we've had some great experiences we’ve felt a little bit like we haven’t really done a ton this week, but at the same time we’ve seen a pretty big change in the countenances of the ward members. I really feel like things are improving slowly, but surely. I hope this week that we can have a bit more time to teach our investigators and find more who have been prepared by the Lord.
Just in case I haven't said it enough... I love my companion with all my heart! .. and I really mean it. It has been super fun to be companions with someone from Holladay, Utah that I already kinda knew because we have a lot of things in common, people we know, places we like, things we like to eat, etc. ..but it has been even more fun to get to really truly know her. She is an amazing missionary, an incredible person, and a wonderful example to me. I have grown more these past two transfers than I have in the past few years that I have been a member of the Church thanks to her. She was just what I needed, and it makes me really sad to think that our time together as companions is coming to an end.
I know that Heavenly Father is aware of each and every one of us. I know that He knows what we need to learn and grow, to really progress and become more like Him and His son Jesus Christ. It doesn't mean it's going to be easy, or that He's going to to give us eternal life on a silver platter.. we are here to work and to prove ourselves.. it's hard stuff. Change is hard. The mission is tough! It is by far the hardest thing I have ever done, and I still have a lot to learn and a lot of refining to do to really become the person our Heavenly Father would have me be.. but I know that He will always guide us if we will humble ourselves and listen to His voice. Let Him mold you.. it might take a lifetime, but it is possible. I am so grateful for this opportunity that I have to serve as a missionary in Chile. To help others come unto Christ and experience the joy of the gospel.. I sure hope that I have helped someone here.
"Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God;..
..And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father!
And now, if your joy will be great with one soul that you have brought unto me into the kingdom of my Father, how great will be your joy if you should bring many souls unto me!
Behold, you have my gospel before you, and my rock, and my salvation." (D&C 18:10, 15-17)
May we always remember what we have, and help others to find what they're missing. He's on our side.. don't forget it. I love you all and am thankful for your support. I'm grateful to have such wonderful examples in my life who have helped me find the way. Have a wonderful week!
Hermana Sessions
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